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Hello and welcome to the SEND (Special Educational Needs and Disabilities) section of our website here at St. Paul’s Catholic Junior School.


At St. Paul's we have a SEND Team who work closely together in order to ensure our SEND children receive the best support possible. This team consists of Mrs. C. O'Callaghan (SENDCO, Deputy Headteacher and Safeguarding Lead), Mrs. S. Jackson (Learning Mentor) and Miss. J. Hodgkinson (Learning Mentor). The Governor responsible for SEND is Mrs. L. Wilkins.


At St. Paul’s Catholic Junior School we embrace the fact that every child is different and, therefore, the educational needs of every child are different – this is certainly the case for children with Special Educational Needs.

In terms of what we offer children with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities, this is different for every child and it is important to emphasise that, as much as possible, this provision is designed by the  relevant St. Paul’s staff members working alongside the child, the child’s family and, where necessary, outside agencies (e.g. a Speech and Language Therapist or an Educational Psychologist).

A child with Special Educational Needs and/or Disabilities at St Paul’s Catholic Junior School will have a SEND Support Plan which sets out targets and looks at what additional provision that can be put in place. The SEND Support Plan is written with our children and families to ensure that a holistic picture of need is identified and targets are set out together.

The content of the SEND Support Plans have a focus on the process of ‘Assess, Plan, Do and Review’. This is a continual cycle in which staff look at any needs and act on these accordingly so that the best possible provision can be put in place.

For many children, support targets will be connected to learning and will often be specifically to do with English and Maths. For other children, they may be to do with communicating with children and adults or overcoming physical issues (for example fine motor control). The most important point that: support targets depend on the needs of the child.



Please feel free to contact Mrs O'Callaghan via the school office on 0151 228 1159 or email She will be more than happy to make an appointment to listen to your questions or queries linked to your child's needs.


St. Paul's Catholic Junior School Local Offer Information.

St. Paul's Catholic Junior School SEN Information Report.

SEND Inspection
