School Uniform
It is school policy for all pupils to wear the school uniform, and parents are asked to support the school in maintaining a high standard of appearance.
Our uniform consists of –
Winter Uniform: Grey shorts or skirt, white shirt, school tie, bottle green jumper or cardigan.
Summer Uniform: Grey shorts, white polo shirt or green & white gingham dress, bottle green or white jumper or cardigan
Shoes: Sensible black shoes can be worn in School. Plain back trainers are permitted also.
In the summer term white trainers or pumps can be be worn.
PE Uniform: Gold/amber T-shirt and green shorts or school tracksuit. Trainers or pumps.
Please ensure that all items of clothing are clearly labelled with your child’s name and class. It is each pupil’s responsibility to look after their own clothing and identification of any particular items of clothing is impossible without clear labelling.