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School Meals

Children may choose to take a cooked meal, bring their own packed lunch, or go home for dinner.

At St Paul’s, 'meals are of a high standard'. They are freshly prepared and cooked on the school premises.

The cost of the school meal is £2.00 per day (£10.00 per week) and is required to be paid in advance.

Payments can be made online via ParenPay

Parent’s must state in writing if they wish their child to go home for lunch. This is essential, as it necessary to know if any child is being withdrawn at lunch time.

Children who stay in school whether for hot meals or packed lunches must remain on the premises for the whole of the lunch break.

Pupils who bring in packed lunches should have a suitable container, marked with their name and class. GLASS BOTTLES OR CANNED DRINKS SHOULD NOT BE BROUGHT INTO SCHOOL. Chewing gum and sweets are not allowed.

School meals are provided by Food for Thought(Merseyside)Ltd is a unique 'not for profit' healthy school meals caterer. It is a company owned and managed by its partner schools with any surplus created being re-invested in our local community schools.
